25 January 2006

All the news that fits

The Department of Justice is back at it again, pulling GOOG (and my portfolio value) down like a millstone. I oughtta send the lousy rats a bill.

In other news, I finally got Knoppix booting from a 1GB USB stick (with full hardware autoconfig). OOH-RAH.

In addition, for those of you who don't feel like booting Knoppix and running tor to satisfy your urge for anonymity, you can now use torpark. Full, strong, trackless, compatible anonymity for the masses. Too cool.

"I know that me Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth."

24 January 2006

photoblog is UP

mindlab's new photoblog is up and running (see sidebar). Comments welcome.

18 January 2006

Truly, all is lost


Dissent written by Scalia, pg 25:

"The prohibition or deterrence of assisted suicide is certainly not among the enumerated powers conferred on the United States by the Constitution,. . . But then, neither is prohibiting the recreational use of drugs or discouraging drug addiction among the enumerated powers. . . Unless we are to repudiate a long and well-established principle of our jurisprudence, using the federal commerce power to prevent assisted suicide is unquestionably permissible. The question before us is not whether Congress can do this, . . .

10th Amendment to the Constitution:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Article 6, US Constitution:

The. . . judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution. . .

So, essentially we have a Justice of the US Supreme Court admitting that he is committing treason. I believe traitors are traditionally shot, no?