06 March 2007

Lesser Northern Parrot

I'm slowly learning Lightroom, and all told it's a very powerful package. I think it'll be well worth the $100 I'll have to drop on it in another 19 days.

A byproduct of more powerful development software is more photos getting attention, so I've updated mindlab.prime again.


BTW, Inferno (Dante) is the perfect book to read while flying home.

02 March 2007

Spring Break

Read Dante's Inferno (translated by Sean O'Brien)
Grade undergrad labs (bwwahahahah)
Complete one homework assignment (insert vile imprecations regarding the instructor here)
Sleep (alot)
Shoot (even more)

That ought to do it!

Oh, and in other news, once again, the free market works, even for the environment. When will those socialist, pinko-commie, tree hugging, eviro-nazi, pot smoking hippies unfortunate deceived persons figure it out.