13 January 2009

“Under 17 Requires Adult Permission”

Who Would Jesus Smack Down?

I was delighted (and a little surprised) to see that Mark Driscoll (blog) of Mars Hill Church, Seattle made it the front page of the NYT Online Edition this past week. Being the Times, they apparently couldn't resist indulging in a bit of one-sided rhetoric (like selecting only the most outrageous quotes for inclusion in the article) but by and large, they printed a factual (if slightly misleading) story.

If anyone's curious, the typical sermon (library) at Mars Hill does NOT require adult permission; most are more in line with what you'd expect from Albert Mohler (of SBTS) or, dare I say, Carl Robbins (of the renowned WRPC), albeit with a decidedly edgier presentation.

Although his verse-by-verse exposition is great (
Ruth, Ecclesiastes, and SoS are favorites), I have to admit a penchant for Driscoll's topical sermons. They're a great place to start thinking about a topic that interests you; I've been through sermons on Worship (the Regulative Principle), Sovereign Grace, Calvinism, Marriage, and Tithing and found them quite interesting.

"No Charges in Concord Police Shooting" was the headline in the Union Leader. Well, that sounds positive, I wonder what happened. Ah, a cop (!) got shot (ouch). . . by a cop (uh-oh!). . . at 0300 in the morning (eh?). . . on private property (you're kidding right). . . during a "makeshift training session (. . .)! I cannot find appropriate words.

So three cops were trespassing in an under-construction facility at O-dark-hundred, decided to play cops-and-robbers, with LOADED WEAPONS, and then the Sargent SHOOTS one of his Officers. Unbelievable.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, the AG is letting them walk. If I 'accidentally' shot myself in my own home, I would likely be charged with negligence (at a minimum); when one of Concord's finest shoots a co-work while trespassing (and shirking work, might I add), he gets free medical care and a couple days of vacation.

Consider how confidence inspiring this is. I'm supposed to call these people and invite them into my home if I hear an intruder at 0300? I'm supposed to trust them and believe that they will know who to shoot, and who to protect? Do I really look that dumb?

In closing: Do not point ANY weapon at ANY thing you are not ready to destroy. . and keep you booger hook off the bang switch until you are ready to attend the funeral!

The photoblog has been updated!