19 December 2005


Ahha! At long last. Finally, heaven be praise, it' over. Just finished the Circuits final, like getting beaten with a stick, but it's done. Time to go home and restart real life.

Meanwhile, I gotta get a suit made out of this stuff.

The Brits are crazier than anyone knew. Now they're trying to violate Conservation of Energy by generating "free" power. Perhaps this idea will save a couple bucks in power transmission losses, but ultimately it simply shifts the power generation from the municipality to the motorists.

It's always interesting to see spin, and we have plenty of in America; however, this week, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman uttered a real award-winner. Now it appears that Ahmadinejad's statement to the effect that the Holocaust never happened was "academic" statement.

In closing, I heard the best quote I've heard in a long time tonight. The question posed is: "As a christian young lady, how 'far can I go' with a boyfriend/potential mate?" The answer given was: "You can do with your boyfriend anything that you feel comfortable doing infront of you father." Now THAT's good stuff.


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